ESSS has been successfully working with the Government Officials and the Health care department in Ernakulam from the very beginning of the Lock-down, which began from 24th of March 2020. And now during the 3rd Phase of Unlock we have all the more boosted our services at various levels.. Read More
Over the last few years Kerala witnessed a dramatic increase in number of cancer patients creating panic among general public. The changes in life style, over dependence on foods and vegetables from other states, unscientific and over usage of pesticides by farmers contributed this kind of increase.. Read More
Shelter is the basic human requirement that needs to be met on priority basis. While accepting the fact that housing is essentially a private activity, it is necessary to meet the housing requirements of the vulnerable sections and to create an enabling environment in achieving the goal of “shelter for all” on self-sustainable basis… Read More
Snehasparsam is initiated in connection with Quasquicentennial Jubilee celebration of the Archdiocese of Verapoly and the Golden Jubilee celebration of Ernakulam Social Service Society to help the poorest of poor families. The families selected through the eligibility criteria will be assisted for a period.. Read More
Persons reached
Families intervened
CBO`s organized
Projects Implemented
Ernakulam Social Service Society, the official organization for social action, of the Archdiocese of Verapoly is the brain child of the first Indian to become Archbishop of Verapoly, Most. Rev. Dr.Joseph Attipetty and Fr. Jerome Payapilly OCD. Founded on August 28, 1962, Ernakulam Social Service Society grew year by year under the patronage of gifted archbishops and directors with dedication and commitment.

Your financial support will help us to continue working for homeless, destitute families, poor cancer patients and other marginalised person without any hurdles.
വരാപ്പുഴ അതിരൂപതയുടെ സാമൂഹ്യ സേവന വിഭാഗമായ എറണാകുളം സോഷ്യൽ സർവീസ് സൊസൈറ്റിയുടെ പുതിയ ഡയറക്ടറും, പ്രസിഡന്റുമായി ഭരണ ചുമതല ഏറ്റെടുത്ത ...
Adieu to Fr. Martin. 28/06/2018 മുതൽ 14/5/2024 വരെ എറണാകുളം സോഷ്യൽ സർവീസ് സൊസൈറ്റിയെ മുന്നിൽ നിന്ന് നയിച്ച് ...