Thrust Areas of the Labour Department
- Animation & Capacity Building
- Promotion of Social Security Schemes
- Networking & Linkages with governmental and other likeminded agencies
- Advocacy & Lobbying
- Skill Development
Kerala Labour Movement

Kerala Labour Movement (KLM) is an official organ of Kerala Catholic Bishops Council (KCBC) working for the betterment of unorganized workers in Kerala to enhance the dignity of labourers.
Domestic Workers Group

Self help groups of women domestic workers are promoted by ESSS aiming their holistic development through mutual help and participation. Here also the group strength is varying between 10-20.
Tailoring Workers Group

Similar to the self-help groups of domestic workers, 10- 20 women tailoring workers with homogenous socio-economic conditions are mobilized on the principle of self-help, harmony and mutual help.